Great Meeting Guys!

Our updates for Sunday include everyone completing their role descriptions.
Shelby will work on the description and need section of the Weebly.
Shelby will post links to videos for our lesson.
Everyone will start getting familiar with Bookbuilder.
Katlyn & Nathan will lead the bookbuilder design.
Nathan has volunteered to assist with screencasts if needed and Katelyn has volunteered to assist with graphic organizers.
Melika will look for a free 800 conference number.

Everyone will review the Week 9 assignment information:
Summary of Assignments.
1. Team Analysis page created
2. Each team member will complete a graphic organizer / concept map related to the team process regarding the needs assessment, content analysis, task analysis, learner analysis or goal analysis. By now you have read the chapters relating to these aspects of project development so that you can develop a concept map describing the process. Each concept map will be embedded into the team wiki (not just posted as an attachment.) Each concept map will be annotated as its relationship to the project.
3. Next week we continue to the Design stage so you will read about designing materials and visual literacy. Then next week you will submit a TEAM your storyboard and then finally for your project/book.

Notes: When creating documents in Googledocs if the document is uploaded no one else can edit. You can create a new doc and copy and paste the information into Google for group editing.

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